Home E-commerce Inbot: The new productivity model for B2B

Inbot: The new productivity model for B2B

Inbot brings a solution which will ensure B2B owners of a sure or way higher results than previous strategies because of the Ambassador program. Inbot is the next generation of productivity through networking for B2B.

Ever wondered why the marketing strategies today are a whack? These strategies seem to work at first but they end up being such useless as they produce way lesser results than at first. Lets take a critical look at some of these strategies :

  • Email Marketing
  • SEO
  • Sales Rep for offline businesses
  • Etc.

But all of these with their own disadvantages has turned the B2B market to a struggle, even lower quality products autioned on websites like konga, Alibaba, etc. do not suffer the ill fate that high quality B2B products suffer because of these strategies.


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Inbot logo

Inbot brings a solution which will ensure B2B owners of a sure or way higher results than previous strategies because of the Ambassador program. It is believed that trust is the heart of sales for any business. So far a business can create a trustline with its customers, it can really convert every lead to a customer. Through the ambassador strategy, the ambassadors who have already created a trust relationship with customers through different means such as social media engagement, LinkedIn connections, email contacts, can be used to promote relevant high quality products to their close or immediate community for higher results. These ambassadors are influencers of a smaller but sure community of friends they have known over time.

Inbot AI – the next level relevance refferal

When an ambassador registers with the platform, they connect their social media, LinkedIn, email, accounts and othed relevant information to the platform. These information are used to determine what kind of product can they promote. When a business comes over to the platform to promote their high quality products, the AI searches through all the information of all ambassadors registered on it and chooses ambassadors by relevance to the product to promote the product.

Inshare – Long term earnings for Ambassadors

With a successful referral of a (high valued) customer, inshare is granted to the ambassador. The inshare will allow the ambassador to earn a portion of the platform token every month for a long period of time.

Inscore – No Spamming

The Inbot platform ensure that there are no spamming especially by the ambassadors, therefore an ambassador will loose score for every disputed introduction. The inscore is part of the determinants of the number of tokens accrued to an ambassador.

Inbot ensures transparency on the platform since all the operations of the ambassadors through the inshare, inscore and intokens are recorded on the blockchain where they can neither be changed or deleted

Inbot is the next generation of productivity through networking for B2B.

Token Details

Inbot token details

Get futher information on Inbot through the following links


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Thanks for reading, I am @aybami99, reach me on bitcointalk here

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